Every morning, it seems, there is some new security issue. Some program has been found faulty, and needs to be upgraded. Some new bit of tweaking must be done to a firewall. Several forums have to be scanned for new problems on the network. On and on and on.
Nextly, my research into blogs has made me realize that the word ‘blog’ is not short for ‘weblog’ as some people claim. No, it is just a variation of ‘The Blob’, which you will recall is a movie from a couple of years ago about this huge and amorphous *thing* that appeared from nowhere and swallowed up everything in its path.
There is no stopping the blob! There is no stopping the blog!
Do you realize that all of the future of mankind is being poured into an expanding university of online journals? Imagine it as a single book, and with every page you turn, dozens of new pages spring up, each leading from the page you are just approaching.
As you reach for each new page, its progeny are expanding infinitely away from your grasp, receding into the future, away from you. Don’t bother pursuing, not with any hope of arrival. It’s as useless as the chapter in ‘Alice’ where she discovers that the faster she runs, the more she falls behind.
Twas brillig …